Will the real villain please stand up?

 Day 218

June 4th, 2024

We are to believe that Freddy and Jason are the film's villains, but what if only one was the villain? 

The film does an excellent job of depicting Freddy as the main antagonist of the film, but where does Jason fit into this?

He doesn't. While Jason is a nonstop killing machine, the film takes a more sympathetic tone towards Jason. To me, he is more like how Frankenstein was in The Monster Squad than the Jason we are used to. In a way, he is sort of a protector of the group, but it's not fully defined. We are led to believe that Jason was sent to kill to bring Freddy back, which he did.

But after dealing with Freddy in the dream world, his priority shifted to protecting Will and Lori by accident. Yes, he did kill Linderman in a self-defense action and simply killed Kia to show Freddy that he is tired of being manipulated, in my opinion. 

At the film's end, Jason and Lori have a moment of mutual respect. After all, Jason did start the end of Freddy in the film and protected Will and Lori. Therefore, by accident, Jason is also a protagonist in the movie.


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