Time flys by

 Day 346

October 10, 2024

Today is a somber Day. The viewing of the old family photos got me through the day, as I sat reminiscing about the past. It's hard to believe it has been ten years since that fateful day. I often find myself pondering how different life may have been if what happened didn't happen. It hasn't been easy, and all I hope is that you would be proud of my accomplishments since then. You always instilled in me a strong work ethic and taught me to care deeply about the work that I do. Sometimes I feel like I care a little too much, but I know it's because of your influence.

I can't help but think that you would find this project to be silly, but I know you would have supported me no matter what. Your unwavering support is something I miss dearly.

I still vividly remember our call the day before. I was walking the halls of the palms theater when you called, and you were excited to take mom to the movie I had seen earlier that day. You would have loved it, and I wish you could have seen it.

Time flies by, and I hope I have done well in your absence. I know I can be a bit complicating, but this project has made me step outside my comfort zone, something I needed but did not realize until I got further into it. I wish I could share this experience with you and seek your guidance.

The boy you once frightened with a My Buddy doll, now turns to horror movies as a way to deal with the challenges life has thrown at him.


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