Speed Kills

 Day 223

June 9th, 2024

Lately, I've been experimenting with adjusting the playback speed when watching films. I find myself frequently opting for a 2x speed, which allows me to consume the content at a faster pace. However, this habit has its drawbacks. When I revert to the standard playback speed, the movie seems to drag on, and the dialogue feels unnaturally slow, almost as if time itself has slowed down. The actors' voices sound lethargic, and it detracts from the overall viewing experience.

Moreover, this preference for increased speed has started to impact my enjoyment of other films as well. I've noticed that I become impatient with the pacing of movies, finding them unbearably slow. This shift in perception is beginning to take a toll on my appreciation for cinema as a whole.

As I approach the conclusion of this project, I'm realizing the need to watch movies at their intended speed more frequently to reacquaint myself with the natural rhythm of storytelling on screen.


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