
 Day 234 

June 20th, 2024

I like one edit in the movie and hate one edit.

I like the edit when Mark screams for someone to help him. Then we see Will and Lori arrive at his house, driving like a crazed person, wanting to get in the house to save Mark. It's almost edited in the way that they heard his call for help.

It was clever and silly, to be honest.

The edit I hate comes when we transition to Will and Mark at the library, then get a close-up of the van at Mark’s house, and then the scene cuts to show them in the van. What bothers me about this is the jump cuts and overarching dialog. We are led to believe that this was taking place at the library but not a continuation of their conversation in the van. Considering the conversation started in the day time and ends at night, that adds to the confusion of this sequence.

I'm not too fond of the close-up shot at Westin Hills. It seems unnecessary to focus on the pack of cigarettes and lighter in such detail. This shot feels lazy and doesn't contribute to the story's progression.


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