Major Flaw?

 Day 221

June 7th, 2024

This movie has many flaws, but the most unforgivable one is a particular aspect that significantly detracts from the film's overall quality. The movie could have been greatly improved if this element had been omitted.

You might find yourself wondering about the flaw. It's not the dialogue tailored for a 2003 audience, the poor decisions made by most characters in the film, or the blatant disregard for Jason's history.

The flaw is how the movie begins. Why did we have to have a rundown of Freddy’s prior deaths? Why did we have to be re-introduced to Freddy? Why was it necessary to do this? I know I have spoken about this briefly, but as the viewings piled up, this is one thing that I feel was done in abysmal taste.

The movie seems to underestimate the audience's intelligence. As fans, we are already familiar with Freddy's backstory and lore, so there was no need to rehash it unless there were going to be some changes. Fortunately, nothing significant was altered. The film also seemed to focus more on Freddy's lackluster return, with Jason almost feeling like a secondary character. It could nearly be seen as "A Nightmare on Elm Street Part 7" rather than a true crossover.

It's a shame they did not have interweaving storylines from characters that survived Freddy and Jason. That would have made for a better movie. 

Freddy’s greatest hits were established initially, indicating that it is not a stand-alone film. It would have been better if it were a stand-alone film unless they found a way to incorporate previous survivors and make it a true crossover.

The film does manage to play out more like a hybrid of a continuation of ANOES and a stand-alone movie. 

No love for Jason :(


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