Father’s Day

 Day 230

June 16, 2024

Happy Father's Day to the hundred maniacs, the credited Freddy’s Father from Freddy’s Dead, Freddy himself, and to an actual skeleton in Jason’s closet. 

Skeletons in the closet?

In the movie, Freddy looks pretty preoccupied with Jason's thoughts. Jason seems to be haunted by his "drowning" experience, which seems to constantly play in his mind. Freddy's concern over what Jason is hiding suggests that there might be something significant that Jason is trying to keep secret.

A weakness comes to mind. Maybe Freddy is probing his mind to find the solution to killing Jason once and for all. That seems too complex for Freddy, to be honest. Like how the film began, he was more than likely looking for a way to manipulate Jason once again. He used his mother, so why not go back to the well to find another piece from his past to use against Jason? 

Now, this creates a missed opportunity for the film. They could have introduced Jason’s father, Elias, into the fold. I can see some thinking they did that in Freddy’s Dead with Alice Cooper, but in that film, he was Freddy's adoptive father.  While it may seem the same to most and give the feeling that the film is copying from that, it isn't because Elias has only been in a script, book, or comic form, never on screen. This would have been an excellent opportunity to expand on Jason’s mythos.

More than likely, that didn't happen because of what you are allowed to use for the film regarding Freddy and Jason. 

Either way, Jason could have simply been dreaming, and that dream became a nightmare, with Freddy manipulating the dream to kill Jason at his most vulnerable moment. Jason has no skeletons in his closet because the film didn't use the major ones of his Father, Elias. 


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