Dumb lines

 Day 229

June 15th, 2024

The rapid fire of dumb lines by memory, and here we go

Lighten up their menthols.

Your back door was open; I closed it.

 (said with a creepy smile).

Your hair smells like menthols anyway.

Do you need some assistance? Duh, she came up to your car with bloody hands.

What kind of a f runs around in a Christmas sweater?

I'm going to take him out, Trey, swear to god. 

You know that's just all in your head.

Are you the poster boy for sanity?

Freddy died by fire, and Jason died by water; how can we use that?

Kia, you need a lobotomy. 

Linderman, you know, I always pictured you as a straight-up bed-wetter.

Dude, don’t look at me, even if you pay for it, it still counts.

Welcome to my world bitch! Said by Lori

It’s time to leave to convent Lori, you need to meet a guy.

What do you see in him? I don’t know but he has a cute ass.

You were confused.

Why don’t I give you some pills and we’ll talk about it in the morning. Ha ha ha

Your eyes say no no , but my mouth says yes yes.

This movie didn’t age well!



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