What if?

Day 207

May 24th, 2024

What if we got the Freddy from New Nightmare battling Jason?

Would the match-up be different once the story hit reality? I think it would have been, and I think Freddy would have been a bit methodical in his approach and even would have stood a better chance against Jason. He would have been more elusive and picked his moments on when to attack Jason and would always find a way to get the upper hand in the battle. 

We would be seeing a more focused Freddy, not one who bitches and moans because they are not relevant anymore. I think the battle would be drawing close to even depending on what Jason he was fighting. 

If he were facing Jason from Part 2, Freddy would have won. Part 3 Jason, a tie, Part 4 Jason a tie, Part 5 Jason Freddy wins, Part 6-8 Jason’s Freddy loses. Since the story takes place after Goes to Hell, this is the battle we saw. No New Nightmare, Freddy. Hell, Super Freddy stands no chance. Ugh.

The silly things I think about when I am bored watching the film.


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