Lori… ugh

 Day 210

May 27th, 2024

Memorial Day! Thank you to those that have served and protected us in the military. 

Today, another element has been added to the project. I have started listening to Slash of the Titans: The Road to Freddy Vs Jason

Unlike the novelization, I will do an overall book review when completed.

Lori is getting on my nerves today, but then again, what should I expect? I am starting to believe that her character has been written this way on purpose. God, she's so annoying and just a baby. I understand life is tough, but you have to want to move forward, and the way she was written, moving forward was never an option. She was stuck in what was a good time in her life and never had a chance to cope. 

Oh well, nothing changes in this movie; you get use to things.


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