Linderman Revisited

 Day 203

May 20th, 2024

Charlie Linderman…

The character in question may not have been acknowledged as the film's hero by everyone, but for me, he was the heart and soul of the movie. He was a compassionate person who got caught up in the chaos caused by others.

Despite deep affection for Lori, he didn't hold it against her for choosing her prince charming, Will. It was evident that Lori clung to Will because he was likely her first for everything, and he never blamed her for choosing Will. 

He was a fearless individual who wasn't afraid to stand up for himself or confront those who had wronged him. Although he didn't have to put Kia in her place, it propelled the plot forward. He even attempted to confront Shack, which worked better than his previous confrontation with Jason.

Another admirable quality about him was his forgiving nature. He forgave Kia for being rude to him, and she also forgave him for standing up to her. He even forgave Lori for still having love for Will and backed down and respected her wishes.

In addition to his other qualities, he was a loyal friend willing to sacrifice for the greater good. He and Kia both made sacrifices so that others could continue.

His character proves that secondary or third-tier characters can work in films and sometimes can steal the show. Linderman was the most reality based character in the film. I wouldn't be surprised if most people have a friend like Linderman.  


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