181 Days In

 Day 181

April 28th, 2024

Chapter Eight

Not even a full page into the chapter, and they did fucked up yet again.

Showing the girls driving to the rave would have been a nice break in the film, but seeing Jason in the cornfield gave the film the sense of danger it needed.

Kia getting turned on by the top of a grain silo is a little too much, but I guess we all have our kinks. There was no point in having this in the book.

Frisell is the name of Gibb’s potential grapiest. 

Seeing Jason’s decayed ribs vibrating to the beat of the bass of the rave is comical and would have been funny to see in the film. 

Trey bitching about having a machete shoved up his ass was funny.

I had to pause reading the chapter because I did not need a description of what Frisell is seeing in his future victim. This does not age very well. 

“all the fun one man can stand without the batteries.” what the fucking fuck.

The chapter comes to an end with the Death of Gibb and the scumbag Frisell.

Why did they have to waste sentences on Frisell and what he would do?!?


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