Easter Sunday

 Day 153

March 31st, 2024

Happy Easter!!

Does Lori’s father need her, or is that an excuse?

Lori states early in the film that she chooses not to move on from Will because her dad needs her. Given Dr. Campbell’s actions in the movie, I feel it is safe to say that he doesn't need her. If he could, and it was shown, he would drug his daughter to protect the town's plan on Freddy. Father of the year there!

Lori did try to say she wasn't interested in Blake, as Kia kept trying to press the dating issue. It's not Kia’s issue to deal with. If her friend doesn't want to date, that is fine; don't drag her first love into this. 

I do believe that Lori is being manipulated by her father and that he uses her mother’s death against her. He makes her feel like she has nobody and that he is all she has. So she thinks that her father needs her when he doesn't.

Lori clings to time when life was better, and that was when she was with Will. Clinging onto Will could be how she is dealing with the grief of the loss of her mother. She also could be having a hard time still dealing with the loss of her mother. 

I do like how the movie shows the conflict between Lori and her father once Will resurfaces in her life. I like how she begins to question her father's motives after finding out that he covered up her mother's death and the unspeakable things he did at Westin Hills. I just hate how she was quick to forgive because she was in a dream sequence, and the dream showed Freddy killing her mom. Freddy manipulates people, and there is always an outside chance that he is manipulating her through Jason’s dream since Lori can dream hop. 

The film also shows how you can take a good relationship between a father and daughter and make it overly complicated by the time the credits roll. 

With how things played out in the film, Lori does not need her father, and Dr. Campbell does not need his daughter. She used that as an excuse to get Kia to stop playing matchmaker.


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