Day 150

 Day 150

March 28th, 2024

I've reached Day 150 of Freddy vs Jason, and it's been a wild ride so far. We're only 34 days away from the halfway point of this challenge. However, the second half of this challenge will be even more challenging. Starting from March 29th, I'll be watching scary movies halfway to Halloween and dedicating May to Vincent Price. By September 1st, I'll be fully immersed in Halloween movie-watching mode. I'm excited but also aware that I need to be more active and take advantage of the better weather that's coming.

I'm proud of how far I've come, and I've repeatedly mentioned that there's no turning back. As much as I've enjoyed adding Child's Play to the mix, I want to stay true to the original goal of this project, which was to focus on FVJ. However, I might start talking about the second movie I watch daily.

I know this challenge isn't for everyone, and adding a second movie was probably a bit crazy. But I wanted to make a statement, and I think I've done that. I'm thinking about adding three more movies to the list in 2025, which would give me five movies on the Letterbox list. To do that, I must select three movies to add to their list between now and September 1st. I'm up for the challenge!


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