Day 145

 Day 145

March 23rd, 2024

Random thoughts 

Jason can regenerate a t-shirt!!

Oh, the comedy never ends in this film!!!

Mary was my favorite of the Three Stooges.

Gibb may be under the limit to the point that her lips do not match up to what's being said.

What if Lori wanted to meet a woman and not a guy?

Nobody heard the back door being opened or someone walking up the stairs. Insulting our intelligence is one of the many things this movie gets right. I feel like I have mentioned this before.

Since the town is all about containing and covering up, Stubbs was in the right place at the right time. I am almost sure that they patrol 1428 Elm every day. 

Whose we’re? The little girl states that we’re everywhere. Whose everywhere?!? I'm pretty sure it's not Freddy because he seems to have completion anxiety. Revenge is his goal, and he fails in the end.

Why is the house so important? 

Why do the cops stand around and look dumbfounded?

Gibbs double-puffing away at school is terrible editing. 

The goat’s mouth does not movie… twice

I just noticed the How are we doing sign behind Kia in the nurse's office is Red and Green!

That is all for today.


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