Day 143

 Day 143

March 21st, 2024

"Insanity is doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting different results." -?

Ha! I bet you thought I was going to credit Albert Einstein there! It could be credited to one Rita Mae Brown, but the question mark makes more sense, considering I've been coming empty on finding out who said it initially. It may have originated from the eighties, which, to me, makes more logical sense. It showed up in 1980 in literature published by Narcotics Anonymous (Becker; “Insanity”).

Today's post is not about finding the quote's origins, but it is about that mysterious quote and how it applies to this project.

Where does my insanity begin? 

The title of the movie is misleading. You could have called the film A Nightmare on Elm Street Part 7: The Quarantine. In no way is this a mash-up movie between Freddy and Jason. Fuck, the movie is not even about them fighting. It is about Freddy needing to feel relevant because the town found a way to defeat him. It's also about the kids dealing with the shady actions of the city. Freddy and Jason happen to be there in the story. 

Shady adults. The adults are behind everything in the film. They are quarantining kids and adults who know of Freddy. Changing the town's past, sadly, is quite relevant now because people want to change past events and act like they never happened, but they did. They chose to blackout the past of the town. What's worse is that they actively and knowingly are drugging kids and possibly adults to forget Freddy if you do not play by their rules. I could go on for days about how the town is the problem. 

Freddy fought Jason twice in the film. He won the  Dreamworld fight hands down, and in the film's reality battle, he lost. The draw on Friday the 13th and A Nightmare on Elm Street mash-up is a more suitable title. If they had fought more than twice and had a better reason for the fight, it would have been the correct title. Two battles were not worth the Vs title, Imo. 

The Acting. Over the top for no reason. The only good actor in the film was Katherine Isabelle, and they did her wrong. Monica Keena is well, Monica Keen. She did okay but dialed up the annoyance to a million. 

The writing. A fourth grader, using the help of AI, could have written a better story and script for the film. I do love the love they have for Dream Warriors, but you managed to take a dump on that film by stealing what worked for that film. Poor dialog choices made the movie not age well; by 2005, this movie was outdated. What works for one movie doesn't always work for the next.

Choices. The choices the characters make make no sense. They could have saved my boy Mark. Bust down the fucking door or drive into the house. I doubt the doors were locked because they never tried the front door just went to a caged window and stood there like morons. Will and Lori killed Mark due to their inactivity, and his blood is on their hands. 

The decades-long cover-up. The town is behind everything and trying to cover up several murders, including the lynch mob that killed Freddy. Yes, he got off due to a technicality, but that does not mean you play Batman to get justice. It also means that you don't keep covering this up for over forty years, give or take the timeline. It's that bad that it was mentioned twice!!

Distance? Springwood is not a hop, skip, or jump away from Crystal Lake. But in this movie, we are to forget what's been established and go with it.

Jason is irrelevant in the film. He is just there, a big dumb oaf who people feel sorry for. This was a terrible idea and only weakens Jason. Jason in space work, but Jason on Elm Street failed. It makes no sense why he would be there and why didn't anyone see him travel. I've mentioned that before, and it's mind-numbing. 

Freddy is terrible in this movie. The rant at the beginning on not being relevant anymore only sets the tone for him needing to feel validated and remembered for what he did. Freddy can't stand being forgotten; it happens to all of us to have those feelings, but to take natural human feelings on being forgotten and apply them to Freddy Krueger, out of all people, is done in poor taste. Freddy was a child killer/predator, humanizing him. Wow.. I also forgot that MTV Freddy was just a teenager killer, not what he originally was. 

The director. He ruined Freddy, Jason, and Chucky. 

All the issues listed above are why I yearn for a different movie with each watch. They could have done better; they didn't need to rush it out. They could have spent the time finding ways to bring them together better and make it an actual Vs movie. Freddy could have left Elm Street behind and ended up at Crystal Lake one summer. I've mentioned that before. It would play off that every town has an Elm Street line from Freddy’s Dead. 


I would say I've hit insanity per that quote. But to be honest, I knew doing this on a repetitive basis would make me mad with each viewing and waiting for something better. The blogging helps with my sanity. I don't hate the movie; it's just terrible. The different results come in what I chose to write about, so that is a win. 

Today, I saw Freddy sporting a black undershirt and an unburnt belly!


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