Day 50

 Day 50 

December 19th 2023

The commentary is not very insightful to the movie at all; it is just Robert Englund controlling the conversation. I would pay to listen to him just speak for hours about the nightmare films. He is very insightful and has a great dedication to the character. He did kind of confirm my theory of multiple Freddy’s, but he went on to mention that each different makeup was just Freddy getting pissed off more and more throughout the movie. I can see that through the makeup and how it just evolves throughout the film, so in reality, there are not multiple Freddys in the movie. I’m kind of bummed that they are not multiple Freddy Krueger.

I decided to use dictation today, and man, it’s like doing a commentary track for myself. I guess you can say I am evolving, maybe possibly doubtful. I’m glad I got to today because it’s been a struggle getting in showings as of late between being busy with work and the holidays. I’m waiting for the holidays to be over because I think Christmas is overrated. Christmas does bring joy for many, but I feel it also highlights sadness and missing something. I suppose it’s never easy during this time of the year, and that’s why I am personally not a fan of it. This is why I want to celebrate Halloween this month. Oh wait, I did that in September thru October. I guess I could celebrate Festivus.

Back to the commentary. I do like how they kind of confirm that Jason Ritter was the final girl and the hero of the film. This is enough for today, and I will be back at this tomorrow.

Robert does confirm that he likes Wes Craven‘s New Nightmare. When I met Robert, we had a small but brief conversation about that film. I was mad that I did not get the typical time with him that he gives the fans, but I feel someday I will get that, and we will talk FVJ. BTW, New Nightmare is such an underrated movie. I wish more people enjoyed it. 

The credits are almost over, and he is still talking. I loved hearing him speak about the film, and I found it funny they filmed this commentary while the movie was still in theaters.

They need to make the nightmare prequel with Robert. You could d-age him just enough to make it work. I also like how they talk about where the sequel could’ve gone.


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