Day 21

 Day 21: Pepe Silva's Revenge Tour

November 20th, 2023

When we first meet the characters at Lori's house, it is the same scene as in the original when we meet the whole cast for the first time at Tina's house. We get a death, too...

The basement scene with Stubbs is their version of the last group session from part 3.

The rave scene is a nod to the pool party scene from ANOES 2, which was just replaced with Jason.

The movie relies heavily on Dream Warriors, so it was a no-brainer that they did this. Took character traits from Dream Warriors and applied them to the following characters:

Linderman is Will from Dream Warriors. The nerdy, awkward character everyone loves but gets annoyed with. He has traits of Joey as well.

Freeberg is Taryn. The references are there, so I do not want to elaborate.

Kia is Jennifer, except she was never welcomed to prime time or got that nose job.

Gibb is like the Phillip of the group, but instead of wanting to kill herself, she drinks and smokes probably more than she should.

Stubbs is Max.

Outside the hypnocil, the best throwback to Dream Warriors was showing Westin Hills.

We had no representation of Kincaid or even Kristen.

The remainder plays out like the ending of the First Elm Street minus someone being pulled through a small door window. The Freddy wink replaced that.

The movie ends with a nod to the original Friday The 13th.

A better reboot of both franchises?

As much as I want to say yes, it is a no. It was a good reboot for Freddy and terrible for Jason. They made him a big, dumb, lumbering idiot compared to what we have seen of him before. That was one of, if not the worst, decisions made for Jason's character, but not the movie. Dialog wins that one.

The fight would have been badass if we got a Jason like Jason in parts 6-8. Instead, it was like we got Jason Lite. Menacing poses a threat; yes, it is not portrayed as a non-threatening entity.

My general thought on this.

This movie was more of a love letter to Freddy than Jason. It makes sense to take the elements that worked and weave them into a Freddy vs Jason movie. Was it done well? No. It tried to be something it was not, a rehash of the first Nightmare on Elm Street. It was much better than the 2010 reboot. There is charm and a lot of nostalgia in the film. It took me 19 viewings to wonder why this film felt so familiar.

Today's winners are Freddy and Jason. It was determined that the past three days would be tied.

Freddy 5-9-7

Jason 6-8-7

Sent from my iPhone (I kept this for the charm).


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