Day 19

 November 18, 2023

Day 19. 

Pepe Silva Part 1.
This has probably been brought up, but I still need to research.

The movie plays out just like the Original A Nightmare on Elm Street, using elements and character traits from ANOES 2(An element) and ANOES 3 (Character traits).

Glove sequence- Both movies start with Freddy either making his glove or sharpening the knives on the glove.

Chasing Jason, not Tina- Jason in the opening sequence is Tina from the original ANOES. Freddy isn’t chasing Jason; he is just waking him up. You could also say that later in the movie, their first fight could fit into Jason being chased through dreams just like every victim.

Mark is Rod Lane. Rod was arrogant and a prick; Mark is just fucking odd and the mastermind behind everything, IMO.

Will is Glen. He is the boyfriend and brings nothing to the movie besides looking good.

Trey and Gibbs’ death. Katherine Isabelle is a more giant star; her death is Tina’s, and Trey’s is Glen’s because it was a clever use of a bed from a mattress firm.

Freddy haunts Lori just like Nancy. There is not much to say there. It is apparent.

Mark dies being the Rod Lane death of the movie. You wanted him to live and clear his name, and in the case of this movie, I feel he tried to justify that Freddy killed his brother. I see that as an undiscovered plot point with Mark.

The movie was watched, and no wins/losses/or draws. Standings are the same.


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