Day 118

 Day 118

February 25th, 2024



  1. a strong feeling that something is about to happen, especially something unpleasant." he had a premonition of imminent disaster."

Based on how yesterday's post ended, I would like to start today off by using the definition of Premonition and how it applies to the film. What happens in this film happens to be very unpleasant for Freddy.

I imagine Freddy going through possible ways of returning, and he dreams about them or has premonitions and then changes his mind when things do not play as they should. 

The film is one of those instances that does not favor Freddy in the slightest. It is almost like by the time the film nears its ending, Freddy knows he is doomed, and instead of snapping out of the dream, he winks, nods, and laughs to let us know that he is still alive. 

It then shifts to the viewer to decide what happened. I wouldn't say I like how they portrayed Freddy in the film; we are watching one of his dreams play out, and nothing happens. We do not know if the characters in the movie are real or just people Freddy conjured up in his dream. 

After all, it was implied that Jason was in Freddy’s nightmare. 


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