Day 117

 Day 117

February 24th, 2024

Here is another what-if. Freddy welcomes Jason to his nightmare. What if the entire movie never took place? 

Saying the events of the movie never happened is a bold statement. We saw the events play out, so how could they have not happened? Simple. 

Freddy's fear is being forgotten; he has been forgotten, and this would make him a relic of the past. Freddy is now lost in the dream world and wants to make a comeback. To prepare himself for the comeback of the century, he keeps replaying scenarios in his dreams and searching the bowels of hell, as he puts it. To find the perfect return vessel, Freddy needed to find someone weak. It is implied that Jason is weak.


Suppose we are in Freddy’s nightmare. That, to me, implies two things. He is asleep, and his fear of being forgotten has consumed him to live in a living nightmare on repeat. Freddy tries to find a way out of his dreams, and he feels he has found a way out; after dream number 1460, he finds a way out and believes it may be through Jason. 

I believe that Jason comes off as weak-minded in the film but is an actual threat in the movie that is dismissed. 

The film plays out like we see Freddy using Jason to return, and as expected, all hell breaks loose. Freddy cannot contain Jason, and the imaginary kids get one-up on Freddy by defeating him. But the details are in how the film ends. 

Before we get to the end, we need to look at the vs aspect. The fights between Freddy and Jason are lackluster and borderline comedy in the dream world. The “ in reality” fight was better, but logically, there was no way in hell that Freddy survived that fight after losing the arm, being punched through the ribs, and surviving the dock explosion. The film implied that Freddy was strong enough in reality to endure all of that. The vs. aspect has nothing to do with Freddy fighting Jason. It is better implied as Freddy vs Springwood survivors with a lingering Jason Voorhees in the background.

The film ends with A wink, nod, and a laugh to assure the fans that Freddy will return. What if all those were used to let the fans know that this whole film was a premonition? 


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