Day 115: Movie titles.

 Day 115

February 22nd, 2024

Let's roll that beautiful bean footage!

In today's never-ending battle between Freddy and Jason, it's time to point out the elephant in the room. The movie was never about Freddy and Jason fighting. The title is misleading. 

The gist of the movie is Freddy needing to return because people have forgotten about him. He could have used anyone to return but chose Jason without realizing his plan was flawed. His plan was flawed because he chose someone who also kills for sport. At the same time, Freddy was wise to choose Jason simply because he would get blamed for his murders. 

How much longer would have Fredrick been able to get away with Jason’s murders is a plot hole, IMO. If Freddy had allowed Jason to kill while racking up those fear points, he could have returned even more potent than he believed. Freddy could have fed off the fear of the police and taken them out one by one in a systematic way, leaving Freddy in a lawless and helpless town.

With Freddy, he gets greedy and wants everything at once handed to him. He wants the power, the fear of those in the town, and people to pay for what they did to him. He would have been better positioned to battle Jason if he had lied low. He would have been in a better position to take over the town of Springwood if he had just put greed aside and obtained power.

It was never about fighting Jason; it was about using him as a stepping stone. Ultimately, Freddy chose the wrong helper. Greed always wins in the end, so Freddy fails in his plans. Jason was just there doing what he does well: murder, death, kill!

Then again, most movie titles are misleading.


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