Order 66

Day 66

January 4th, 2024

Well, I was able to post last night's viewing on Letterboxd around an hour or so after I posted the blog.

The more I watch the movie, the more I question more and more as to why this was the script they settled on. To me, there are more things wrong with the movie than what they got right. Does that make it a bad movie? That is a question left for the audience to decide. I will admit that this is not a movie for everyone and if this was your first foray into Freddy or Jason, I am truly sorry.

I would hope that this movie would have expanded curiosities to see the movies that played a huge inspiration in making this film. To me, that would be any Friday the 13th movie that takes place after Part 3. For Freddy fans you only need to watch one movie, A Nightmare on Elm Street Part 3: Dream Warriors. You could watch the other Freddy movies, but the beginning of the film spoils the end to I believe Elm Street parts 4 and 5 while loosely touching on Parts 1,2,6 and leaving out the second-best movie in the series in my opinion, Wes Craven's New Nightmare. That statement alone will divide fans of the series and I am okay with that because I am allowed to have an opinion. 

This is also coming from a person who loved Friday the 13th Part 5: A New Beginning because I was young and foolish and did not understand at the time that this movie was a giant rug pull for the fans. I did have a small connection with Joey because growing up and still as an adult I have issues with my weight. The other aspect of Joey I could not connect with but I liked how that was a main focus of his character, being an orphan. It made his death more impactful to the film and his death kind of gives away the ending to the film if you pay attention to one particular character in that scene. I felt sorry for him and he did not deserve to die over a damn Snickers bar. But, horror movies need their red herring I guess... 

I will go on the record and say that while I love Kane Hodder as Jason, Richard Brooker set the standards of how Jason should be IMO. Kane just came along and made Jason his own. 

Either way, this is the movie we got, it would be cool if they could just redo the movie in a video game where Kane can motion capture Jason and Robert can motion cap and voice Freddy one final time. I would not make an asymmetrical game though. You have three modes, play as a survivor in a campaign based on the movie. Your choices decide your fate. Play as Freddy and Play as Jason. Hell, have a fourth mode where you just play the Freddy and Jason battle from the movie and for fun a winter battle. 



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