Editing Woes

 Day 68

January 6th 2024

Poor editing

Today’s topic comes on two fronts, the movie and my lack thereof editing skills.

I will touch on myself with why I am calling myself out. Apparently, I still think it is 2023 and not 2024. I am being told to leave out apparently, but I am not because it to me, fits what I am saying well. I also need to spend more time editing before I post. Sometimes I will elaborate more on what I meant or flesh out my thoughts better. 

In terms of the movie, there is one sequence that had the worst editing of the film and that was Mark’s death. Where did the eels come from and why does it look like Mark has shit on his face before Freddy kills him. A deleted scene explained where both came from. Spoiler Alert if you cared, Mark vomits out the eels in the dream sequence and that would explain where they came from and why it looks like Mark has shit on his face. It is vomit, not shit. 

I also blame the editors for this specific detail, they could have cleaned up Mark’s face in post-production if they knew that the whole sequence was going to be scrapped from the film of him vomiting eels. Nope, they kept it in to make people like myself question what was on his face and how did it get there. 

There is another sequence that just confuses the hell out of me. The Rave scene, specifically when Jason hits the keg. You see two people die here, one looks to be slashed by Jason while the other person magically has a slash on his chest but he was never stabbed or slashed by Jason. He dies at the same time that the keg is spewing at Jason putting out the fire. The guy is throwing beer at Jason and then Jason slashes into the keg. I mean it could be argued that he hit the guy's shoulder, but judging by the over-acting you do not know. 

But I do know. I slowed the film down to .05 speed the guy moved out of the way making Jason hit the keg and a wound magically appeared on the guy and now it looks as if Jason did slash him and the keg at the same time. Lies…. 

I amuse myself with each viewing.


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