Day 75!

Day 75

January 13th, 2024

The day came and went fast.

I need to take a moment to reflect on how stupid this is.

I've come too far to stop.

It is a part of my daily things to do.

I never imagined getting past a week, let alone to day 75.

I care more about what is coming next, day 100 in twenty-five glorious days.

Until then, here is the last bunch of deleted scenes.

Place your bets

As silly as the line is, this should have been in the movie. Lori sets up the fight as you see in many trailers the Freddy vs Jason line of dialogue that says place your bets. Freddy also throws some insults at Jason. It shows that this movie led up to their battle in the real world, but for editing purposes, it was removed and takes away from the sole purpose of the final fight by having Freddy look stupid as hell when he sees Jason in the film in the real world. The movie has been and will always be about Freddy vs Jason, not Lori and Will vs Freddy vs Jason.

Kiss from Kia

Kia deems Linderman heroic and wants him to be there when she returns to the tree where Linderman succumbs to his injury. She also gives him a kiss.
Silly seeing that took away from the tone of the final battle.

Alternate endings

I previously reviewed these, which would be the deleted scenes' end.


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