Day 74

Day 74

January 12th, 2024

Another snow day!

And I am feeling the tired side effect from the treatment yesterday. I woke up at 7am ready to go to work and I wasn’t feeling it. Heck, the roads looked fine but I listened to my body and called off work.

I also did the dumb thing and helped plow the driveway. I am feeling that after the fact.

Onto the scenes!

No more Medicine

This scene is stupid. It’s Freeberg trying to do his best Freddy impersonation telling the at alert comatose people that they can relax because Freddy’s got it now and you see him dumping the hypnocil down the drain. Dumb sequence it was better just showing him with the crazed look pouring the hypnocil down the drain like they used. I would have walked out of the film if this was the sequence they used.

Linderman’s apology

This scene was a heartfelt apology from Linderman to Kia for insulting her at the party. Then he admits he had a crush on her. Keeping this scene in would have made his death more meaningful because he comes full circle with Kia. Admits he made a mistake. Manned up! This was a silly decision to not include this.

A promise

Will promises to never leave Lori if she returns from the dream world. I can’t say anything positive about this scene except that it was cheesy. What if she didn’t return from the dream world? Will would have mourned and moved on. What if she does return and he gets sick of her nagging attitude? I bet he would leave her. What if she wanted to leave him? Would he force her to stay or sacrifice her to a “dead” Freddy?

For the record, I will still be writing every day or the day after for my much larger project with this, but I will just post the meaningful dates that give me some sense of feeling accomplished with this silly project. I feel that this will allow me to focus on getting better at writing and not have the pressure of oh I need to write, edit and post. I feel like this is how I should have done things to start with.


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