Day 73.

Day 73
January 11th, 2024

Well, the IV treatment was five hours of my life that I’ll never get back. The nurses were nice and did a wonderful job. It took two tries though to get the IV in.

I spent my time playing Cult of the Lamb. I forgot my headphones so I couldn’t get the watch in while I was going through that long boring process.

The deleted scenes.

This scene shows the audience two things. I previously spoke about this scene because not only does it answer the questions of where the eels came from but also why it looks like Mark has shit on his face. He puked up the eels after the Freddy version of his brother commented on talking with his mouth full.

The CG eels in this scene were okay and there was no point for this scene to be in the film. As mentioned before they could have cleaned up Mark’s face in post if they knew they were not going to use it.

Splitting up
Just what we did not need a scene where they decided to split up at Westin Hills because the place was too big.

Too much hypnocil
This is a continuation of how the discovery of Lori finding out that her father overdosed the kids, adults, and teens on hypnocil. The sequence works and I don’t know why they switched it up. Maybe the girl gasping for air was too much? I liked this cut of the scene and wish they stuck with it.


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