Day 65

Day 65

January 3rd, 2024

The day, Letterboxd died?

Currently at the time of writing the site and app are down. I am still watching the movie but if the site is not back up and running by Midnight, then the past 65 days have been for nothing. In good faith to me means logging the film on the day that you watched it as well as watching the movie. Will this be the end if this is still down beyond my posting time according to my time zone? Technically no. I see it as I would have until 2 AM to post the film for the day due to California Time. I could honestly go later than that due to Hawaii time because they are four hours behind my current time zone. 

Am I having an internal debate over time zones to make sure I get my day logged for the Calendar date of January 3rd, I think so.

Either way, we shall see what happens. If this is how everything ends, well I gave it the ole college try. Time will tell and the only way you will know if this is still a thing is if there is a day 66 post. 100 days are within a distance. Everything rides on the site and the app being back up and running by the time I call it a day. 

Kia did not deserve to die, she did not drink on camera, do drugs, or have sex on camera. She was the Joey of this movie and died for the sake of the plot of the film. Maybe if Jason knew she tried saving him, she would have had a fighting chance to survive.


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