Day 63

Day 63

January 1st 2024

We started the year just how I ended the year, watching Freddy vs Jason.

I only have 304 viewings left. That seems crazy and is crazy. They were right in the comments that it takes a special type of person to finish a challenge such as this.

While it sounds super easy on paper, watch the same movie once a day for a year. It isn’t that easy. The first few days are the easiest but by the time you hit the end of the last day of the first week, it starts to take a small toll on you mentally. Week two is when the fun begins.

In the second week, you start to fit it into your daily routine. Between life’s routine commitments and the lack of hours in the day, the struggle becomes real. There have been countless days that I get all good to go for bed and then it dawned on me that I haven’t watched the film yet. Then I’d stretch my day just to keep my commitment to actually watching the film instead of lying.

Which leads me to this topic. Logging the film in good faith. Only two people will know if you are being honest with this challenge, yourself and the man or woman upstairs. That will create some controversy for sure! The real question is with those who have previously done this is have they watched the movie or got to a point where they said fuck it, nobody will know the truth outside of them.

Given the comments from those who are in the process or have completed the daunting task, it seems like they are being honest and have watched their selected movie for a year.

For the record, I am being honest in my viewings.


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