Happy New....


Day 62

December 31st 2023

If Jason is afraid of water, why was he able to walk to Elm Street in the rain?
How is he able to survive in the woods when it rains? Does he dig a hole and live there until the rain stops?

How come nobody noticed this zombie-like human walking in the rain? The movie never touches on this or if he killed on his way to Elm Street, let alone if his body was just chilling buried in the woods in the real Crystal Lake or possibly somewhere closer to Springwood?

Why did Jason go into the lake after Tommy Jarvis on Friday the 13th, Part 6? Jason Lives if he is afraid of water.

If Jason is afraid of water, why does he choose to live by a lake? Logically, he would stay far away from the lake.

The rain is just like toxic waste and would have reverted Jason to child form per what was established in a previous film and the end of the beginning of the second part of Jason's Dream sequence. Does that only happen in the dream world and not reality? If it does occur in a dream, then Friday the 13th Part 8: Jason Takes Manhattan is a dream after all, once you get to the end sequence of events.

If Jason was afraid of water, why would he return to the lake after stabbing Freddy with his missing gloved arm? You would think that would be the last place he would want to be.

So many questions on the 62nd viewing.

Fun fact

Blake and his dad die close to seven minutes after Trey dies.

Our next kill isn't for another eighteen minutes, give or take.

Ultimate fact:

The movie ended at 11:59:42... I couldn't stall for 18 seconds.. oh well.


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