Day 48

 Day 48

December 17th, 2023

Today is one of those days where I am just completely disconnected from everything. Part of me feels this may stick around for a bit, and I am okay with that.

Dead Trey Walking.

I’ll be honest: I have no clue what I just watched. I do know that it was a continuation of Trey, in a way, stalking Gibb while she is passed out and dreaming. It was a mix of live action with poorly executed CGI that looked worse than a PS1 game. I guess Jason stabbed Trey in the ass, and now, in the dream world, he walks all wobbly and is super flexible. I am at a loss for words. It was clear that the CGI was not complete, but damn, it looked rough. I really do not get what they wanted to do with this scene because it does nothing for the movie; it just gives that actor one more sequence of events and an additional line of dialog.

Dream signs.

Well, this scene shows us how Mark’s brother died. It is a hard scene to watch, significantly if you have been affected by suicide. I understand why it was cut, and I am glad it was. The wink in the photo almost derails the scene, but it is an impactful scene and can bother people and come off as tasteless and tone-deaf.


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