Day 46...

 Day 46.

December 15th, 2023

Party in the corn. 

This scene debunked an earlier question I did retract on how they got in the cornfield without tire marks. I mentioned that initially because when the scene pans back, you see cars and the missed path to the party. It was overlooked at first by me, but in other viewings, I was able to confirm the path while feeling like an idiot for not seeing it to start with. 

One thing pops out in this scene, and it’s from the creepy glow stick guy. This scene gave him dialog and added more to the creep factor of his character. Asking Kia and Lori if they want to see a light show can be taken in many different ways. Was he implying dancing around like a fool or showing them his wiener? Given how out of place this character is, I tend to believe he wanted to show them his o s c a r…

I’m sure this scene was cut because of the song in the scene. Frankie would have wanted his money, or he would have had problems relaxing. 

The scene does progress Gibb, who was quick to light up two smokes and have a drink and all of a sudden be over the death of Trey in this scene. Remember, it was probably quick for her to get over Trey because she only liked his cute ass.

It also progresses the graper. Gave him dialog that I felt had other intentions. 

Overall, it was the longest of the scenes so far. Good, but it could be better. The creep factor is highly elevated in this scene.


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