Day 43

 December 12th, 2023

Day 43.

Still sick, still trucking along with this the best that I can.

Today’s scene was kind of weak but shows the lack of security at the high school.

More at School.

The scene starts entirely focused on Gibb and the grief she is going through. I love and hate that they decided to expand her character by showing how she was dealing with the events. That is what horror movies miss out on, taking that moment to reveal how the characters are dealing with their grief. Back in the day, you would get moments that would express the danger and grief the characters had. Nowadays, you only see this in independent horror, and that is why they are better than mainstream horror. 

I loved how self-aware Gibb was, and her shouting for people to stop staring at her is relatable. We have all had that moment where we feel like we are being watched/judged by our peers and want to lash out like she did. 

They should have kept that part in the movie.

The downside to this scene is seeing Mark and Will “break” into the school by just walking in the front door. It answered how they got into the school, but was it necessary to show? Hell no. I get why it was filmed and why it was cut. It didn’t move anything forward.


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