Day 41

December 10th, 2023

Day 41

I’ve decided to make a change to add content to speak about. I will review all Blu-ray features, one feature at a time. Currently, we are on the deleted/extended scenes. A detour will be made in 9 days to get the commentary done on day 50. Then, back to everything else until I’ve exhausted everything on the disc.

Never fear; the movie will be watched as well….

Taking Lori Home.

The sequence of events is relatively simple; we just see Dr. Campbell picking Lori up from the police station after Jason kills Trey. Seems relatively harmless, and I get why it was taken out. There is a giant red herring in this scene. That red herring would be Dr. Campbell himself.

To me, he seems overly happy to see Lori, which is understandable, but he also comes off as excessively excited. He knows what is about to happen and that there is a slight chance he may get to lock his daughter up at Westin Hills. I doubt that was his happiness, but it shows how his tone changed from being happy to see her alive to wanting to pump her full of hypnosis to forget about everything. It also plays into an earlier theory that he may have killed his wife and not Freddy.

It was a short and sweet scene with added meaning, I feel.

This was a close-call day. I almost missed the window to view the movie, but I did watch the film. 


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