Day 40...


The Big 4 0

December 9th, 2023

Forty days and forty nights…

Let’s jump right into the action!

Nobody’s Home.

The scene opens with us seeing a man in a wheelchair foaming from the mouth and being looked over by Westin Hills finest. It was determined that he needed to go to the D wing. Then Mark says if he gets like that put a pillow over his head.

This scene took place as they were getting their daily dose or doses of hypnocil. Does the scene work, yes? It gives us a brief encounter of what the “D Wing” is. I think it was cut because it is more impactful on the viewer seeing a whole room of adults in comas and being told Lori’s father signed off on everything regarding that special wing.

It doesn’t move the film forward, just gives you a glimpse of things to come. It’s also a head-scratcher because you do not know why he is foaming from the mouth and what caused it. Finding out later also shows the dangers of experimental medications.

It left me with this question; Why are they overdosing the patients in Westin Hills?


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