We're here!!: Day 31


November 30th, 2023

We are thirty-one days in, and to be honest, fatigue is kicking in. Yes, I am doing other things, and my life does not revolve around watching and writing about this film. I cannot imagine this being the vain of my existence.

Life imitating art?

Yesterday, I had a moment like Lori did at the film's beginning. I am seeing a new neurologist for Multiple Sclerosis, and they kept asking me questions about my sleep. I was like, this cannot happen; why does this sound too familiar? Nobody is stalking me in my dreams, but since I've started this, my sleep has been terrible. Coincidence? Maybe.

I did get some news that my MS has active lesions, and I am rather pissed about that. My old neurologist should have seen that and mentioned something, maybe started some therapy. Unlike previous issues I have had in the past, nothing silly is happening. No double vision, no sensation issues, just irritable, stressed from work, and a tad bit of life. I probably need to slow down a bit and find a way to de-stress from work. The stress caused my last flare-up, thanks to AT&T and the iPhone 5 stress.

Invisible illnesses suck.

Just like the invisible death from Freddy.

Today, we celebrated day 31 with a simple viewing. No more, no less, and my last two pops (hopefully) for a while. I did get told I needed to cut back yesterday, so why not.

Here is to the next 31 days!!

Today's noteworthy fact:

Once Freddy gets pulled into reality, there are only thirteen minutes of the movie left before the credits roll. Was that done on purpose?


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