Unlucky Day 13

 Unlucky 13!

November 12th 1955…That day, I returned to the future to stop myself from doing this. 

Wrong series, Josh, and you do realize that you were not even thought of, let alone alive, in 1955. 

November 12, 2023.

Today marks day thirteen in this journey. I did not expect to get past day five, but I keep finding new and exciting things with each viewing. I also know that the longer this lasts, the more I will have to say about the movie and myself. This is not about me, though; it's about the movie. That would be a significant step forward if I could tell a story or two about myself while doing this.

Milestone days.

I started to look ahead to milestone days. Is the milestone day 25? Nope. Day 20, nope. Day 30, keep dreaming. Wednesday, February 7, 2024, marks day 100. 87 more viewings left. This is the short-term goal I am aiming for. Why, you might ask. First off, that would be 9,700 hours of this. To me, even saying that is insane. I can function, work, watch different things, and hang out with family and friends. By no means has this taken over my life… yet.

The long-term goal is 365 and Halloween 2024. I am using this project as a motivator to turn my health around so that I can make it to the end of the project and eventually share my story with the world. I just have to figure out how I want to do that. I am also considering a sequel project that will test the limits of what I can handle. Spoiler alert: A king-sized cocaine-fueled adrenaline rush exploring Who Made Who. Starring A well-known Marvel villain and the Mighty Ducks man himself!

About Me Part 70: The Sacred One returns.

At work, I am the life of the party; outside of work, timid, quiet, and shy, and I stick to myself. Yes, I can become quite animated when someone does something that pisses me off, or I see my siblings take advantage of my mom with babysitting. I feel my mom needs a break; she raised us kids and put up with me. I was no angel. I was a dick. But she loves the grandkids and would do almost anything for them. Plus, I do enjoy seeing them around. They are the reason why I want to extend my time on Earth. 

Life is not easy. I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis in 1999. Tried killing myself a few times, but each time, I realized it was dumb. I am on antidepressants, and sometimes they work, and sometimes I become a monster.

Sometimes, I just wish we could all see that, in one way or another, it is okay to ask for help, especially when it comes to your mental health. That was the most challenging thing I had to face outside of my father passing away was admitting I needed help.

The second hardest pill to swallow was this. Only some people will support what you do, and not everyone will like what you do. People will tell you what to do, but at the end of the day, you can listen to their concerns or continue living your life how you want.

I see it like this, don't complain that you do not have the things you want because of your life choices. Commit to finding true happiness and making the changes necessary to achieve what you want out of life. Feel free to ask for help, too. It is more of a burden on people and emotionally draining if you are scared to ask for help. Your friends and family can only do so much, and yes, I understand entirely how hard it is to make that first step. I've been down that road countless times. I'm not perfect, you're not perfect, perfection doesn't exist. We all have our demons.

Inspiration comes from odd places.

On day eleven, I read an article on how Mr. Beast lost weight. He walked 12,250 steps a day and lifted weights. Lifting is out of the question at this time for me. So on that day, I was like, I can do that, and well, today marks day three of that. Day two was rough because I had to go to Walmart to get those steps in. Honestly, walking there is easy and annoying. I am bound to let it slip when they ask me if I need any help, and yes, I would like to shop in peace, so please let me be.

Who would have thought of using Freddy vs. Jason as a motivational tool for me to get in better shape and improve my health? This guy is right here, baby.

Let's all go to the lobby to buy ourselves a snack.

And here we go!

We interrupt this broadcast to bring you this urgent message.

You can save a bunch of money by sw…..

I have myself in a pickle today. I am racing against time to finish today's watching. My body thought it was hilarious to have me up at 5 AM. I have lost all momentum for the remainder of the day. Is this the day when the watching ends? I knew I shouldn't have pushed myself to get my steps in, but I've accomplished it in 3 days!

If I fall asleep, Freddy wins. If I lie, I let everyone down who is interested in this.

Inspiration in the wrong place.

So, I am eating dinner to get the energy to get these 97 minutes in. I made a comment that I want to lose weight to be able to fly more comfortably in January. The response I got back was a laugh and a backhanded good luck. My spider senses go off, and I defend myself and say I don't need this negativity, so I will work harder; I mentioned I didn't want to lose 50 fucking pounds all at once. Also thanked them for the inspiration to move on to this evening's viewing.

I love how Freddy needs to boost his ego with everything he has done. This opening monologue is pointless, and it irks me. Why was it necessary to remind the audience of Freddy? I do have a theory to that.

The re-introduction of one Freddy Krueger Theory.

Yes, to the audience, it is like, why do we need this, but think about it. Freddy bitches and moans about being forgotten. He finds that worse than dying. As mentioned before, this is his nightmare. He is comfortable letting you know what he did. He wants to live on forever via fear. Sadly, as much of a monster and piece of shit as Freddy can be, he is human after all and has the same emotions as we do. He oddly wants to be accepted and remembered for what he did. Somehow, in his mind, what he did was okay. That sounds too fucking familiar to how real criminals act. They have to justify what they did because, to them, it is a part of the ordinary thinking process.  

People hate to be forgotten and ignored. Timeline-wise, it has been four years since he last did something. They make that very clear over and over again. He had been forgotten about, and that was his biggest fear. The intro is done this way so that the audience is kickstarting his resurgence, tapping into your childhood fears of one Freddy Krueger. 

That would also explain that Jason was never the real threat in the movie; it was always Freddy.


How far is Camp Crystal Lake from Springwood, Ohio? Last I looked online, CCL is in New Jersey? I know this has been discussed on Reddit and Screen Rant, so I need clarification on others. Have they yet decided to hire a team of continuity supervisors for the film? A team for Freddy and a Team for Jason. Then, the writers would present a script to them, and adjustments would be made to follow each series depending on where they want it to take place movie-wise. Each Freddy and Jason movie has the same formula, but certain elements are changed.

Uno Thoughts.

Nobody cares about uno… except for Mark. The creepy look from the checker guy is as pointless as the interaction.

Why does Mark not have a shirt after he acts like a monkey and farts at windows? What did they do to him?

Linderman reminds me of a stereotypical 90's dad who loves the Lands End Catalog. He even dresses like the models from the books. Ha ha ha. Always means well but needs to be more relaxed.

The shadow scare is terrible. Yes, Lori is sleeping. Am I supposed to believe that the two figures walking by are Freddy? Is there a threat looming? The score suggests that I am to be terrified and something terrible is about to happen. Nope, nothing wrong happens. I'm confused by the appalling sequence and suggestion of the score in that scene.

No Fear!

Seasons don…. Enough with the fear! Instead of bitching and moaning, confront him, show him you are not scared. Oh wait, they don't even give dream powers. That's the second time I've mentioned it, why? I feel it was done well in the rushed ending to the first one, addressing the fear. A Nightmare on Elm Street Part 3: Dream Warriors did its best to further explore that and add powers for an even playing ground that wasn't. After DW, it became too damn campy.

Beat Freddy like this: Just fall asleep, be like I don't give a fuck about you, and move on. Freddy is guaranteed to turn into TV snow when he attacks you, and then everything will be great until he decides to pull your mother through the small door window.

Red Blue Green

The choice of reds and greens works well in the movie. Blue is an excellent choice for other reasons. Adds a mystical element to Freddy. The greens for Jason,, do a fantastic job of expressing Jason's fear. The blue that is in the van represents the helplessness of the situation they are in and the characters in general. They know it's a no-win situation; they must navigate the waters and hope for the best. For some, Blue is usually associated with happiness; in this case, it wasn't used for joy, just to paint a bleak picture of what's to come. 

Why do Shack and Teammate look like they have never smoked pot before? Then again, they could have had better names like Jack and Dane… I laughed my ass off reading the cast list and seeing that.

Casting questions revisited.

Congratulations, you are in FVJ. You will be playing Shack, who is like Jack Black but not Jack Black. You won the coveted role of Teammate. Welcome to Hollywood. You are to act like Dane Cook or Dax Shepard. Don't worry about the name; this role will open up so many roles that consist of meaningless names. Lastly, we didn't have the budget to hire Jason Mews for the movie, but we will get him in a future project not even done by WB or New Line. So you are playing Mewes, but we can't call you Freebird; how does Freeberg sound? Perfect!!

FYI. Jason Mewes was in the Never Sleep Again documentary as Not Freeberg, and they poke fun at the character Jason Mewes.

Last I checked, Freddy was not a Harry Potter character; you can say his name and be fine.

"Anything is possible now. God, you just don't get it." (Freddy Vs Jason, 2003)

Freeberg has the quote that makes the most sense in the movie with what he said. It explains the whole movie and the terrible concept behind bringing these two titans together on screen.

I decided to steal with the win from Freddy and Jason due to today coming too close to not happening. They tried, but I finally won the snowsuit closet battle!

Quist 2-0

Freddy 4-8-1

Jason 5-7-1

Today, we go live on Threads. This is a massive step for me. I will also share it on Letterbox on the 365-Day Hall Of Fame Challenge list page. I thought I was on the correct threads, but I did correct that.


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