Day 30

The Many Masks of Jason

During this watch, I counted that Jason wore four different masks. The first mask we get is a non-battle damage fresh mask. I like this mask but hate it because it runs too long on the face. That, to me, gave Jason a derpy, least threatening look.

The second mask we get is in his dream sequence with Freddy. The infamous claw mask. I enjoyed this aspect of the mask. It shows that Freddy is a genuine threat to Jason. It was an addition to the mask, like the axe wound from part four and the busted corner of the mask from part seven. It was a great representation of the mask.

In this sequence of events, we even get a nod to the toxic waste scene from Friday the 13th, Part 8: Jason takes Manhattan.

What is old and familiar returns in this stunning conclusion?

The third mask is the magical mask. How did the battle wounds on the mask from prior movies just show up on this mask? We get the return of the axe wound, as previously mentioned. We get some weird “welding” of masks in the corner where the mask was busted in part seven. This iconic Jason look would have been elevated to the next level if it had claw marks. The blood adds to the mask on so many levels that makes this mask visually pleasing. It is a damn shame that we only get a great view of this mask as Jason sinks to regenerate everything but his fingers at the bottom of the lake. This happens to be my favorite mask in the film.

The fourth mask is a cleaned-up version of this mask as he appears out of the lake at the end. Deep cuts have been added to the mask along with the iconic axe wound and fixing of the corner of the mask. This is the look he should have had unless his mask regenerates as Jason did in the movie.

At the end of the day, you have choices on what mask you like. I prefer the bloody magical mask. However, it could be argued that those battle wounds only returned because they happened in the battle with Freddy. I beg to differ, and that shows even more that it is a choose-your-own-adventure film.

Gosh, I’d pay for a choose-your-own-adventure version of FvJ.

Thirty down, 337 left. Tomorrow will be a celebration because it will be day 31. A friend suggested celebrating every 31 days as an homage to the day I started this project, October 31st.

If you drive cars into a cornfield, you might see tire marks, but not in this movie. Movie magic!


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