Day 28

November 27, 2023
Day 28

Doubt is starting to kick in. This time it’s from me. I’m close to day 30, which is admirable, but that leaves 337 days. Thank you, leap year, for the additional 2 showings. Day 365 is October 29, 2024.

I am also using this as an incentive to get better shape. Since the project started, I have been 8 lbs down. I have to see this til the end. Get past December, and it’s smooth sailing.

Mentally, I am still here, but I did notice the other day I was outright quoting the movie and was a bit tense after watching. 40, and I still get spooked!

I did spot one thing I plan on talking about soon. Jason’s mask.

It’s still the same campy and fun movie!

FYI, picture-taking could be more manageable.


Why does this movie rely on pinball and the machine noises? When Trey dies, you hear it when the bed is smashed; in Jason’s dream, you get a whole shitty sequence, and finally, in the final fight before they are hit by the cart of doom, you also hear the noise. Also, the mixer acts like the ball hitting the bumpers when Freddy crashes into the wall, and the mixer, on its own, crashes into the wall.

I did partake in a Cyber Monday deal and got a Jason replica mask from this movie. I went for the claw-marked one. If I saw actors at conventions in this movie, I’d like them to sign the mask and share my story with them.


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