Day 26

November 25, 2023

I almost skipped this viewing… Day 26.

Before we get into today’s events, I want to take time to address negativity.

Over the Thanksgiving dinner, I grabbed a plate of food and mentioned that I was going back downstairs to continue blogging. Everyone then asks what I am doing, so I mentioned that I am watching a movie once a day for an entire year and blogging about that and life. My mom, who is always supportive, said that maybe it’s good for him; it may be odd, but that’s fine.

My brother and his wife then decided to chime in and pretty much tell me it’s stupid to do what I’m doing. They were whispering that to each other, thinking I wouldn’t hear. I did hear, and to be honest, at the time, it didn’t phase me, but then I got to thinking about how negative both of them can be.

Last I checked, I wasn’t harming anyone. I wasn’t forcing their children to watch the movie with me. The only person/animal that watches the film with me is my dog, Frankenstein. I felt they chimed in to judge me based on the fact that I parent my nieces when they are at the house, and I know they don’t like that. Give them structure. I also make snide comments that I honestly shouldn’t. I just want the best for them, and in no way am I innocent in this. I’m not even the victim. I understand that what I say can be hurtful, but I don’t think they know that it goes both ways.

So yes, the snide comments by me are not thoughtful, and I am working on stopping that. I am hurting people by what I say that I expect them to do for their kids. Either way, it was a life lesson for me. Again, I am in no way innocent.

My point with this applies to a lot in life. There are circumstances where you can judge, but why judge if you are doing something harmless? I have been judging them for years, and I am learning from my mistakes. It’s my life, not theirs, along with it being their life and not mine. They are just as guilty as I am, judging based on what I see, but I don’t fully know the situation. Plus, it seems like we are born with being judgemental. This project is about life, analysis, and judging choices made during several aspects of the movie.

I am fully aware of how silly this is, and I am enjoying this. It’s dedication.

Back to today’s topic. The Hypnocil Web Site in the movie.

Do yourself a favor. Read the hypnocil website.

I do have photos from that website in the film.


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