Day 14

November 13, 2023.

Going live on Threads presented some challenges for me. I am not a fan of how I posted days 1-13. I was unaware of the word limit, so I had to convert the document to pictures. I may not be a fan of that, but it got out everything I have written up to this point. It will be a learning curb until I get the hang of things.

Do I enjoy watching this movie during the day or night?

Honestly, I have no preference. The day is more leisurely because it is done and out of the way. The night is fun because it is an excellent way to end the evening.

Today, I am taking a tonal shift, focusing on a few things I mentioned in yesterday's writings and finding a way to navigate most of them into the FVJ universe.

MS. I can only wiggle this one in there if a character in the series had MS.

I admitted in a previous viewing note that I was diagnosed with MS. I have my ups and downs with it and, to this day, do not understand why I have been fortunate that it has progressed like several people I know who also have MS. I do not let having this define who I am.

Ending life prematurely?

I also touched briefly on suicide attempts. I do remember them clearly and still do to this day. I have no idea how you know this is dumb; hey idiot, this is dumb, and just stop it, thoughts popped up while trying to exit this earth. Not many people have that chance to stop, and I wish they did. I thought it would have made things easier, but I guess I got to thinking and realized it would have left more unanswered questions, confusion, and why questions. If you know anyone having trouble navigating this cruel and harsh world, be there for them. Sometimes, the littlest actions could be more meaningful than we realize.

Call or text 988 if you have thoughts or are in a significant crisis.

How does this fit into the movie, specifically, the Freddy Universe?

I bring this topic up on day 14 to discuss how this is represented in the films.

Also, it didn't help that a song on the way home really got to me and had me briefly thinking about my eventual expiration date. That set my tone for just a simple get this out and no analysis of the film today.

For the record, I am fine. I also understand that everyone is different and has different situations. My heart hurts for those that struggle. This country needs to focus on actually helping people better than they do. The politicians only care how much they can lie to us and escape it.

This is how I view the series on this topic. It's not great, but I understand why. It is a sensitive subject.

In the reintroduction of Freddy, you see clips from previous films. Part 3 sticks out the most because I get the feeling with each watch that they were quick to shut the kids down and blame their deaths on suicide. I could be wrong, but that is how I interpret the film.

I love the need for more simple logic, which turns into terrible solutions to solve a problem.

Like in part 3, the town of Springwood finds it logical to just lock up those who talk about him who shall not be named. Drug them to the point of dying or being comatose. How is that the solution to the Freddy problem? Given the town's logic, they probably looped deaths into the S category to forget about him.

Freddy.. you evil bastard.

Outside of over-the-top deaths by Freddy, most do come off in two different ways. He is framing someone, or the deaths look like suicide. FVJ strays away from that with every death but one, Zack Ward's death. You can argue and easily win, with Jason killing everyone but Mark.

Freddy needed Mark's death to gain strength and finish what he started with Bobby, Mark's brother. He made his death look like a suicide. We don't see their parents, just pictures. Which leads me to believe that Freddy killed the whole family. A town sacrifice? Maybe it was suicide?

I feel bad for those in a corrupt town.

I can't help but feel bad for the teens in this town. Is this starting to mess with me on an emotional level? They are characters in a movie that were never given a fighting chance, and the town knows this. The city now and then will sacrifice teens to Freddy in return for him not attacking adults or something like that. The dream demon has a stranglehold on the town for what they did.

To wrap this up, it's only a movie, but sometimes I feel movies have meanings behind how things are played out and represented on screen. You can't view everything through today's lenses. But regardless, making deaths come off looking like mass suicides in the town is fucked.

These are random things I think about when I watch Elm Street films.

This is a general question about horror films.

We like horror because we want to see people die, the element of fear, and practical effects. It can't be the plot because it's basically about teens being stalked, getting killed, killing the villains or villains, and depending on the box office they live on, unless you have complicated rights to the property.

Nowadays, we get horror written like we are stupid and rely on jump scares. Modern-day mainstream horror is terrible. A sense of danger is felt in the movies if you find a great indie horror.

Today is a tie. It is a celebration of eighties horror!

Quist 2-1-1

Freddy 4-8-2

Jason 5-7-2


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