Day 12

 Day 12: November 11th 2023.

Today, we begin with a story.

As mentioned previously, I was scared of the horror movie characters. I remember going to the local grocery store, Eagles, looking at the VHS tapes for rental and always being afraid of the laminated card for A Nightmare on Elm Street 2. Why was it a blue background with Freddy? Then I was scared of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 and Child's Play 2, and I was rather intrigued by the cover art for Demon Lover. The first horror movies I got into as a kid were The Monster Squad, Critters, Killer Klowns From Outer Space, and The Gate.

I felt a connection with Horace and Frankenstein in Monster Squad. I was stunned as I aged to notice that Jon Gries was also in Real Genius as Lazlo and good old Uncle Rico in Napoleon Dynamite. He also happened to be the Wolfman in The Monster Squad. It was like he was with me most of my life in the movies that I thoroughly enjoyed growing up and still do as an adult.

I was saddened when I watched the documentary on the Monster Squad, Wolfmans Got Nards, and I was saddened to hear about what happened to Brent Chalem. One of the good ones was taken from us at such a young age.

Critters was the movie I remember my brother and I watching together often as we grew up. It brings back good memories, laughter, and a time when life was more accessible than it currently is. It was a goofy movie that didn't take itself seriously, a bit over the top. My favorite character was Charlie McFadden. Yes, he was the town drunk and conspirator, a loving guy trying to make it through the world. He seemed to come from nothing and was the film's hero to me.

The Gate was another film I remember my brother and I watching. Again, it brings back good memories and creepy little demons. I liked everyone in the film equally, and nobody stood out.

Killer Klowns.. that's another beast. I hate clowns, and this allowed me to laugh at them. I have great memories of my brother, Friend Travis, and sister watching this. The giant klown at the end used to scare me, like how John Vernon died in the film.

Back when life was more manageable, and you knew once that street light was on, you had to get your ass home. I will never forget the iconic Bob Miller whistle. That was like the warning alarms going off to call home. I was also scared of my neighbor Sandy's husband, Isiah, but I had no clue why.

Oh, Sophie.

I was terrified of the Four Seasons spokeslady, Sophie. Was it her creepy red hair? Virginia Slims sounding voice? Or my vivid imagination getting the best of me. If I got out of line, I would be tormented by her from my parents. It worked. I have a fun Sophie story or two to tell during this.

I mentioned my imagination for a reason. Growing up, the one constant dream I would have was Freddy vs. Jason vs. Josh in my closet while we were being hung up by snowsuits. I even daydream about this battle of the true titans in my closet while getting clothes or toys out.

Let's begin with this adventure into confusion.

It was quite the adventure today. My initial goal was to get the movie watched during slow periods at work and while I was counting money. Sometimes, plans would work out better than you would like. Five hours later, I am finally finishing today's viewing. I am simply watching the movie, not worrying about finding new things, correcting what I've seen if any mistakes were made, and just blogging about life. I did that to start things for the day.

I had plenty of days ahead, so pausing and enjoying the movie was excellent.

Today's winner is Me.

Quist 1-1

Freddy 4-7-1

Jason 5-6-1

Yes, I have entered the battle. The title is a spoiler!


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