
Showing posts from September, 2024

Battle comparison

  Day 323 September 17th, 2024 The battle between Freddy and Jason was almost as underwhelming as the encounter between Frankenstein and the Wolfman. Both matchups had generated a lot of anticipation from the audience, but unfortunately, neither lived up to the high expectations. Interestingly, only one of the two films, "Frankenstein Meets The Wolfman," managed to provide a conclusive and definitive ending, unlike the unresolved outcome of the showdown between Freddy and Jason.


  Day 322 September 16, 2024 Jason was given specific instructions to go to Elm Street. I couldn't help but wonder what would happen if he accidentally went to the wrong Elm Street. Did Freddy provide him with a GPS to ensure he reached the correct destination? If so, that would have been a questionable decision on Freddy's part. Despite being depicted as a brawny and dimwitted character in the film, Jason surprisingly seemed to have an innate sense of direction and knew precisely where to go.


  Day 321 September 15, 2024 Another off day for me. I do wonder if I am getting sick due to the change of the season back to summer! Today, I reflected on the impact of the movie I watched. I thought about the emotional trauma that Lori and Will experienced after their terrifying encounters with Freddy and Jason. They lost their friends, and one of them lost trust in their father. Now, it feels like it's just the two of them against the world.

320 days.

  Day 320 Only 47 more days left.  Today is a day for introspection and contemplation. I have decided to appreciate the movie for what it is, without harboring expectations for something more. A short and to the point post. 

Friday the 13th…. Again

  Day 319 The final Friday! Today marks the final occurrence of Friday the 13th for this project. It's a significant milestone as it symbolizes the conclusion of this aspect of our work. Once again, today didn't bring any new insights. I find myself stuck in a cycle of making poor decisions, with only a faint sense of optimism. It feels a bit like being in a movie where Jason, the antagonist, unexpectedly emerges as the real hero in the end.

No Prior Knowledge

  Day 318 September 12, 2024 The review of Freddy at the beginning of the film serves a dual purpose: it triggers the audience's memory of Freddy while also adding a layer of confusion for the viewers. I understand that the confusion arises from the question of why we are expected to have knowledge about Freddy, but it seems acceptable to have no knowledge about Jason. I believe the filmmakers made a poor decision by revealing Jason's backstory only near the end of the film. Although his backstory is eventually told, it would have been more effective to incorporate it earlier in the story.

Day 317

  Day 317 September 11, 2024 I really do not have much to say today about either film.  Just in one of those I want to be left alone moods. Out of Bordem I did watch fvj twice today.

Austin 3:16

  Day 3:16 Welcome to Day 316. Exciting developments are on the horizon! Will Freddy once again meet an untimely demise, and will Jason finally meet his match? Stay tuned as the days unfold. And don't forget, today marks Stone Cold day with the project. Give me a hell yeah!


  Day 315 September 9, 2024 "Diabolical Inheritance" is also known as "The Mexican Chucky." When I watched the trailer for this movie earlier this year, I initially thought it was a doll movie I had missed. However, upon learning that it was a version of Chucky from another country, I was immediately intrigued and decided to watch it. Upon watching the film, I immediately noticed the abundance of sexual innuendos throughout. While they serve a purpose, I found them to be a bit excessive at times. Additionally, the film's pacing is quite slow, which may test the patience of some viewers.  While the film is relatively short, I expected a more intense and engaging storytelling. Our clown version of Chucky doesn't make an appearance until an hour is left the film, which, in my opinion, results in a lack of cohesive story development. Based on my assessment, it seems that this couple is expecting a baby, and they discovered this doll in a trunk. I suspect it may

Day 314

  Day 314 September 8, 2024 Today's viewing was uneventful. I feel like I am finally growing tired of the movie. Survival mode has arrived. I can't quit. I am so close to the end.  Rinse and repeat for 53 more days.


  Day 313 September 7, 2024 Why on earth would anyone ask the kids if they saw someone who looked like Freddy in Lori's house? Clearly, they wouldn't have a clue. To me, it seems like the police department might be involved with Freddy, which really makes you think about the conspiracy theory.

Completion anxiety

  Day 312 September 6, 2024 I've just realized that as the deadline approaches, I need to watch the Spanish version of Child's Play in order to fully complete that part of the project. On another note, I'm still making progress with listening to the book. This will certainly help me when it comes to reading the final four scripts, as I'll have a better understanding of the background and context.

Back to the well one last time

  Day 311 September 5th, 2024 Back to the well! After all these viewings I still dislike how flawed Mark’s death is.  I will keep it short. When did Freddy get the ability to kill someone when they were awakened?

Holding onto a memory

  Day 310 September 4th, 2024 As a child, I believe that my experience of being frightened by a My Buddy doll is what has instilled in me a deep appreciation for Chucky. It's a memory that has both positive and negative aspects, and over time, I've come to value its impact on my life. Since 1988, I've held onto a vivid memory. Over time, I transitioned from being terror-stricken by anything related to horror to developing an appreciation for horror films. In the initial stages of this project, my primary focus was on Freddy vs Jason. However, after 300 days, I found it necessary to diversify and acknowledge that I've also dedicated a significant amount of time to watching Child's Play.


  Day 309 September 3, 2024 I have strong feelings about Chucky and how the character has changed over time. To me, "Bride of Chucky" felt like a sell-out movie. It seemed like they were trying to turn Chucky into a character similar to Freddy, and in my opinion, it failed. On the other hand, "Seed of Chucky" was ahead of its time in promoting acceptance and being true to oneself. However, I didn't like the meta direction they took Chucky in that movie. Cult of Chucky can be likened to the Gremlins 2 of the franchise. It feels like the creators threw a variety of ideas and concepts at the wall and ran with whatever stuck. It seems that they reached a point where they ran out of ideas to move Chucky forward in a genuinely scary manner and decided to pivot back towards comedy and absurdity. What made Gremlins 2 good was its absurdity, and it worked for that movie due to how chaotic the gremlins are.  Seasons 2 and 3 of Chucky were bad and ruined the good start to


  Day 308 September 2, 2024 A few things came to mind and I need to see this through. At first I wanted to give up writing and simply coast to the end of the project. But I did some digging around on the internet and found four additional scripts to read between now and Halloween. Speaking of Halloween, the movie watching has begun. Of course it began with FvJ, then Child’s Play.  If it wasn't for Chucky, classic Chucky, this whole project would have been dead in the water. Like Jason! One day I will open up about my love and hate for Chucky.  Until then. Back to the book I go. 

Final Post?!?

  Day 307 September 1st, 2024 Ten months down, two to go. Today I started Slash of the Titans: The road to Freddy vs Jason. This is the final piece to the project. I will be reviewing the book as a whole as opposed to chapters at a time. Until I'm done, there will be no new content.