Day 61

 Day 61

December 30th, 2023

Note to self… Ween yourself off the 2x watches. Tonight I went into the viewing watching as is, and my god, it felt so long and so damn painful. If I have learned anything from the project, I have to prolong viewings to the point that I need to get the viewing in when my mind is simply turned off for the day.

I know it is a movie, but the decisions they make are so mind-numbing to me that it makes me question if there are people who exist in the world who act like they do in the film. I am not surprised if there are people who behave like that, emotionless and simply stupid with their decision-making skills or lack thereof. I am not one to judge, but the writers of the film seem out of touch with how people are. I may be out of touch with the human race, and that is exactly how people act. I wish someone would write a horror movie where people think logically instead of being stupid and emotionless.

Poor decisions are the underlying theme of every horror film, and honestly, I enjoy that you get punished for those. It is also flawed because even the heroes of the film make poor choices, and yet they are rewarded by surviving the film. How does that make sense?

It reminded me of Linderman and Kia; both should have survived the film. But Linderman's poor choice was smoking that joint with Freeberg in the back of the van. What was Kia's lousy choice? I feel that it had to be using the 'F" word to Freddy. I will pay more attention tomorrow in the viewing to find out what exactly she did that warranted not surviving. I am pretty sure it was something as dumb as drinking at the rave. 

On a final note, the letter came in the mail, and I was approved for the medication. I just wanted to see it in person, and I will be starting Ocrevus on January 11th. I went to the website to read up, and John Kramer, a physician's assistant, was in the videos. Immediately, my mind went to I am going to be playing a game. I am fucked! Ha ha ha.


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