Day 54

 Day 54

December 23rd, 2023

The 2x Challenge

Well, tonight’s showing was interesting, to say the least. I honestly thought that speeding up the movie would have made it hard to understand, but it didn’t. Everything was sped up as expected, making the film an unintentional comedy. 

While it was easier to watch, it became boring and stale really quickly, and I lost my interest. I do not know if it was because I was winding down my day and realized I hadn’t watched the film yet and needed to, or I was growing tired of the film.

Day one was a success, and this evening, after all the festivities, night two of the 2x challenge will resume.

I haven’t forgotten about the deleted scenes, and after the holidays, I will pick up on the extra content on the disc. Time is on my side with this project, so I am in no rush to complete aspects of the Blu-ray disc all at once. I will need content for a year, but it is good to get this time of the year out of the way now vs later on. 

Everyone enjoys the Christmas season because it will be gone in two more sleep cycles.


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