Day 42

Day 42
December 11th 2023

Before we get into today's subject, I would like to pander to the audience. If you enjoy what is being posted, please follow the blog. It would mean a lot. If you don't follow, that is okay too. I know that what is being written is not for everyone and is okay.

Back to today's regular schedule.

The most essential deleted/extended scene that should have been in the movie.

At Death's Door

Lori is leaving for school after the events of, I am assuming, the previous night, which makes no sense. Kia mentioned that she would be home alone for the weekend? Yet, Gibb mentioned that Blake and his father died that night, too, stabbed to death. So, did the events take place on a Sunday night? Interesting thought.

So, Lori walks out of the house and begins having a daydream essentially of blood going down the iconic red door. We see the door is yellow, so she grabs her keys and starts scraping the door to find out that the door is red. The house in her nightmare is where she lives!

This scene, to me, is vital because it is impactful to her character development. We see she seems to be on the fence for the majority of the film, being more terrified of Freddy while feeling sorry for Jason. She is one of the few in this movie outside of Stubbs who questions everything, only to get shut down.

She questioned what she was seeing, which led her to ask where she lived. This allowed her to confirm that where she lived was the house in her nightmares. This scene should have never been cut from the film.

The scene does the one thing that the movie fails to show. The danger the kids are really in. It would have made sense to keep the scene in, but in context to how it plays out afterward, I see why it was cut. It only moves Lori's plot forward. It doesn't move the movie forward because we already know from the start what house she is in and its significance.

As much as I feel that the scene would have worked in the movie, you could have kept it and reworked what came next. Could have even changed up the beginning to not show what house Lori lived in and use this deleted scene as the big reveal. Pan in on the scratched yellow door showing the red that was painted over, then scale back, showing the house address.


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