

  Day 334   September 28, 2024 In the movie, Lori confronts her father and requests to see the autopsy reports of her late mother. This request is significant because it sheds light on the town's tendency to conceal the truth. The autopsy documents, if they exist, would likely have been manipulated to support the official narrative of her mother's death being the result of a car accident, rather than revealing the true cause as Freddy. Furthermore, there is a possibility that no autopsy was ever conducted on Lori's mother, adding another layer of mystery and potential cover-up to the story.

Coming around

  Day 333 September 27, 2024 Nothing new to report outside of the fact that the movie did not put me to sleep today. I am starting to come around to the opening of the film. While it would have been nice to have a definitive winner in the battle, it's nice to know that they left it open to continue things after their battle. However, I see this more as a stand-alone film compared to a continuation of both franchises. That can be debated due to the end of Jason IX, but those films after the original 8 feel like chapters in the story of Jason. Fan fiction so to speak. The what ifs. 

Put me to sleep

  Day 332 September 26, 2024 During today's viewing, I encountered an unexpected hiccup. Surprisingly, the movie managed to put me to sleep for the first time ever. Although I eventually woke up and finished the film from where I fell asleep, it's remarkable that it took 332 viewings for this to happen.


  Day 331 September 25th, 2024 Thirty-six days remaining.  I don't have much else to add except that I've fallen behind on my other projects because of my temporary promotion at work. Since August, I've been serving as the interim general manager, which has been taking up all of my free time. I am currently finding enjoyment in facing various challenges, but I am eagerly awaiting the return to my previous routine. Despite being reassured that things will go back to normal, I find myself wondering when that will actually happen. Until then I am enjoying the ride, and am glad that I was given the opportunity because I have taken the ball so to speak and have been running with it. 

Right idea poor execution

  Day 330 September 24, 2024 Freddy had it wrong from the start.  The mere thought of him and Jason strikes fear into the hearts of many. Freddy embodies the lurking danger, while Jason represents the immediate threat. In either case, it's an ominous situation with no escape. Unfortunately, Freddy's excessive confidence has led him to seek all the glory for himself, without considering the option of collaborating with Jason instead of taking advantage of him.

Jump Scares

  Day 329 September 23, 2024 Jump scares!  Why does this movie need the jump scares! Jump scares is lazy filmmaking! Freddy and Jason do not need jump scares.  A Juno scare is about as lazily written as this post is.

Coming to terms

  Day 328 September 22, 2024 We have 39 days left! Terrible decisions are still being made as the journey never changes. We still get the same outcome and honestly, that is okay. It could be worse. The movie for what it is could be better and it could be worse too.  We could have got a movie that played out like an epic adventure or was a dumpster fire that has charm like Manos. Either way this is what we have and after 328 days I am finally coming to terms with what we got!