
Showing posts from July, 2024


  Day 275 July 31st, 2024 Another milestone Day and we are twenty five days away from day 300.  Today was back to basics, just watch the movie and try to enjoy the film.  Well I didn't enjoy the film and that is okay.  The gang though is starting to grow on me though! 

Never Assume

  Day 274 July 30th, 2024 I don't particularly appreciate how Will assumes that Mark will not wake up if he happens to fall asleep. This, to me, is a weak moment in their friendship that had no real context at the time. I feel that way because it is shown later that Hypnocil is flushed out of the body quickly. One would have thought that Mark and Will would have more time to survive if they had fallen asleep. Then again, you never see Will sleep during the movie or even take a nap. As I've mentioned, this plot hole with hypnocil is poorly written. 

Set back

  Day 273 July 29th, 2024 The script. Well life happened and I did not get around to reading the script over the weekend. I did not expect the full dose of ocrevus to knock me on my ass like it did. It also didn't help that I was also going through some mental health struggles on top of that. I am doing somewhat better now and am looking forward to reading the script.

Hitting the wall

  Day 272 July 28th, 2024 Nothing new to report, just not feeling it today. I fear that I am hitting the wall and that's okay!


  Day 271 July 27th, 2024 Why does Mark give Will an exact time to return with the van, or will he be gone? Was he foreshadowing his death? Did he honestly believe that by skipping town, he would not have to worry about the Freddy threat? Then again, that would be a nifty way to be him—leave town, and you will forget about him. I find it amusing that Mark feels he can escape Freddy by leaving town.

Zero joy

  Day 270 July 26th, 2024 What joys did today's viewing bring… zero  All it brought was pain and suffering! Why? Yesterday was my first full dose of Ocrevus and as entertaining as the session was, it beat the hell out of me and today I just feel like blah. If anything I am simply frustrated with the lack of taking Jason as a serious threat in this film.  Back to sleep I go after I wasted sleep time on Freddy vs Jason yet again. 

Targeting the vulnerable

  Day 269 July 25th, 2024 After Freddy killed Mark and regained his "powers," it's important to note that his return doesn't necessarily signify a larger threat. His previous targets—Mark, Freeberg, and Lori—were chosen because they were deemed the most vulnerable within the group.  It would have been interesting to see Freddy targeting more kids in the town of Springwood and maybe eliminating a few of them before his encounter with Jason. This could have potentially made the battle between Freddy and Jason even more evenly matched. The film had so much potential for greatness!

Script reading

  Day 268 July 24th, 2024 Script reading has begun.  Not much to report on so far. 

100 Days for real

  Day 267 July 23rd, 2024 Well, the countdown has officially begun. We are down to 100 days.  In honor of this moment, I have decided to read the script for the movie alongside watching the film continuously.  I do need to finish listening to the book about developmental hell, watch more special features on the Blu-ray, and give my review on them. Today the reading has begun on the script.

Pros and Cons

  Day 266 July 22, 2024 The pros of Freddy vs Jason Robert Englund as Freddy. Freddy and Jason together on the big screen. Katharine Isabelle. The cons Subpar script. An okay story. Not enough Freddy. Makes the audience feel sorry for Jason. Makes Freddy look weak. The best of Jason doesn't work. The best of Freddy doesn't work. Feels awkward from time to time. Didn't age well.

100 days remaining?

  Day 265 July 21st, 2024 100 days left? Yes if I quit the project on October 29th!!  Will I quit the project then…. Nope.  I've suffered this long, we will get to Halloween. Today was a simple reflection Day and how far I've come on this project. The movie was watched!!


  Day 264 July 20th, 2024 After some introspection, I've come to the conclusion that my feelings toward this movie have shifted. Instead of banishing it to the depths of obscurity, I've decided that I might actually revisit it. I could see myself dusting it off and giving it another watch around halfway to Halloween or including it on a Halloween movie list, perhaps starting in 2026. I think taking a break from it for a year will be just the right amount of time.

Watching tip

  Day 263 July 19th, 2024 The best tip I can give when watching Freddy vs Jason is to forget everything you know about Freddy and Jason and try to enjoy the movie for what it is. The only time those two horror titans will share the same screen and Robert Englund’s final theatrical appearance as Freddy. 

Captivating an audience

  Day 262 July 18th, 2024 I struggle with considering myself a skilled writer, but one thing I do have confidence in is my ability to craft a compelling narrative. Unfortunately, the film I watched recently failed to engage its audience with a captivating storyline. It seemed like the writers aimed to combine the best elements of Freddy and Jason to create a coherent narrative. On paper, this concept appears promising—it serves as a continuation of Freddy's story following the events of Dream Warriors, with Jason's presence intertwined. Additionally, one could view the film as occurring after Jason's descent into Hell, providing a connected timeline. However, in my opinion, the portrayal of Freddy as weaker and Jason as more dominant ultimately detracted from the movie. I believe the story would have fared much better if it hadn't hinged on resurrecting Freddy.

Back to where you belong

  Day 261 July 17th, 2024 Go back to where you belong. Is that all you have, Freddy? Tranquilizing Jason was brilliant; it allowed you to have a distinct advantage over Jason, but you squandered your opportunity to get the upper hand on Jason in the dream world.  Why did this happen? I feel the film's writers did this to make Freddy weak.  Add this to the list of mistakes made.

The death of Gibb

  Day 260 July 16, 2024 Freddy could have been back to full strength faster if he had not messed around and taken his sweet-ass time building up to killing Gibb.  I know that Freddy likes to toy with his victims but come on, you could have dispatched her quicker, gained your strength, and restarted your reign of terror. It's almost like the writers punished Freddy and made him weak on purpose. Then, in the moment of a good first kill, they decide to pull the rug on the fans and give Jason that kill and fully bring back Freddy with his weak stalking and killing of Mark.  SMH, and add this to the script blunders. 

Blake gone crazy?

  Day 259 July 15, 2024 Blake didn't go crazy. He didn't kill Trey; he didn't kill his dad or himself. The police covered everything and used Blake as the scapegoat for what happened that fateful night. It is surprising that if Blake were responsible for the killings that occurred that night, he would have been taken into custody immediately. However, this did not happen. Instead, he was blamed for everything after his passing.

Freddy Returning?

  Day 258 July 14th, 2024 Today is one of those painful days watching the film yet again. As much as this is here to help out on bad days, it still does not give the movie a pass.  I've seen worse movies than this, but I've never watched them over and over again! I sometimes wonder what would have happened if Freddy had killed more than one person and just returned to the film without fighting Jason, Will, or Lori. It would have changed the film's landscape and been the perfect setup for a true trilogy sans Ash from Evil Dead.

My escape

  Day 257 July 13th, 2024 Even on the most challenging days, I always have something to look forward to. It's watching FVJ yet again and writing about the film. I'm grateful for having this to turn to when times get rough. Despite its flaws, this movie has become a guilty pleasure and a real escape from reality. It's probably the kindest thing I've said about the movie during this crazy project!

Taking people seriously

  Day 256 July 12th, 2024 Would things have been different if they had listened to Stubbs about Jason? On the one hand, it would benefit them to gather information about him so that they can handle the situation with Jason more effectively. On the other hand, it may not be so helpful because we're in Springwood, where the town is reluctant to acknowledge its issues with Freddy. Blaming him and avoiding the problem allows the city to remain in denial and overlook the more significant issue.

Crystal Lake?!?

  Day 255 July 11th, 2024 I'm not sure, but it seems that the decision to keep Freddy in Springwood and bring Jason out of Crystal Lake again didn't quite make sense to me. Even though Freddy and Jason are trapped in a cycle of living, dying, and repeating, it felt like a missed opportunity to have Jason removed from his iconic Crystal Lake setting, only to have him return there in an underwhelming ending. I would have expected Jason to pose a significant threat in Springwood, but instead, he seemed almost inconsequential. While he was a threat, Freddy was right when he said he would get all the glory.  Freddy had the home-field advantage until the movie shifted to Crystal Lake, where he was out of place. This is only because he was pulled out of a dream and never did anything worthwhile in his short time there.